a local church for kingswood and the surrounding community

We are a church family made up of all sorts of people from different backgrounds who simply love Jesus. Our desire is for people to know Jesus, to know that they are loved by Him and to be part of a family who do life together, with Jesus at the centre.

our vision is to be

rooted in Christ, growing in love,

and our mission is

celebrating family

engaging community, and

making Jesus known


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check out the Listen section or visit YouTube


latest 3 talks


 we are bourne christian centre

“Rooted in Christ, Growing in Love.” (Ephesians 3:17)

We meet on Sundays at 10.30am for worship, teaching and to be family together. Come early for refreshments.

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bourne café

Every first Sunday of the month at 10.30am we do church a bit differently and have a café style get together as a family. Join us for FREE pastries, cakes, tea, coffee and juice with discussion about how God is relevant in our everyday lives.

home groups

Our homegroups are designed to provide a place of belonging, to deepen friendships and to encourage one another. 

bourne youth club

A FREE youth club for school years 6-13 every second and fourth Friday, 6.30pm-9.30pm. Games, table tennis, pool and food with a chat from one of the leaders.

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