Youth are an important part of our church family. We want our young people to enjoy coming to church, to develop their relationship with God and learn how to walk with Him daily. We encourage our youth to rely on His Holy Spirit and use the Bible as a tool to help them day by day!

experiencing God for themselves

Youth have their own group on Sundays every week, except Bourne Café, for all those aged 11-18.  

When: 11.00am - after spending time with the church family in worship

What:  a fun-filled session, including games, Bible teaching and light discussion


We also run a Friday night youth programme, which includes

bourne youth club 

Friday fun starts right here! BYC meet together every second and fourth Fridays for games, table tennis, basketball and food where we “chew it over” discussing some big questions as we snack!

When: every second and fourth Fridays, 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Who: School years 6-10 (6.30pm - 8.00pm) | years 11-13 (8.00pm - 9.30pm)

Where: Lower Hall, Waters Road

Cost: it’s free - older group (year 11-13) has a small café (bubble tea, choc and sweets) which is chargeable

fusion youth group

Fusion meet together for fun, films and bible study - and there is always food involved!

When: every 1st and 3rd Friday, 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Where: Bourne Christian Centre (Office Building), Waters Road

Who: School year 6+  

All youth workers are safeguard trained and comply with our safeguarding policy.

If you have any questions about youth work, please contact us by clicking the button below.