Encounters with Jesus
An overview of the Book of Mark as we start a new series - Encounters with Jesus
An overview of the Book of Mark as we start a new series - Encounters with Jesus
Before the last minute rush, why not come and join us for a chilled evening of contemporary songs and time to reflect before Christmas Day.
Join us at our Christmas Family Service with nativity and carols - something all the family, especially the littl’uns!
FREE entry, mince pie and hot drink. Make your own Christmas craft and peruse local Crafters’ stalls.
If you would like to book a stall table please email: ben@bournechristiancentre.org or jo@bournechristiancentre.org
4Front are back! This year’s PAN-TIVITY (fun of a panto heart of the nativity) is suitable for the whole family, with enough fun to keep little ones engaged and enough laughs for the grown-ups .
Explore the nativity like never before with plenty of songs, plenty of laughs and a very boo-able baddie! Three peculiar Magi have appeared in the Royal Palace, talking of the birth of a potential rival King! The cruel King Herod is keen to unravel this mystery. For Harry the humble Herald, this is the chance of a lifetime… to embark upon an epic quest and be noticed by the King!
Watch the trailer: Herald of Herod
Click here to book tickets: Adult £4 Child £3
Join us at the start of Advent as we create Christingles (oranges, ribbons, sweets and candles) to tell God’s story of Jesus at Christmas - something for everyone.
Café Church will be our Harvest Service with guest speakers from In Hope and Kingswood Foodbank.
We will NOT provide pastries during this meeting but tea and coffee as usual. Communion will take place with the harvest loaf
Come and join us as we journey together for 12 weeks to explore how to maintain positive mental and emotional wellbeing in the midst of our busy lives.
Every Monday, starting 16 September, from 7.30-9pm in the Office (upstairs lounge)
at Bourne Christian Centre.
To book your place, please go to: https://bourne.churchsuite.com/events/flae6skv
'Kintsugi' is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with seams of gold. When brokenness is repaired, the object becomes more beautiful and unique than it was before. Instead of hiding scars, it makes a feature of them.